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codechef question code "MEDIC" getting WA. Couldn't find the error.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define ll long long int

int main() {

ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false) ;
cin.tie(NULL) ;

ll t ;
cin >> t ;
while (t--)
	ll d=0, m=0, y=0, ans=0 ;
	string date ;
	string mon="", dat="", year="" ;
	getline (cin >> ws, date) ;
    mon=mon+date[5]+date[6] ;
    m=stoi(mon) ;
    dat=dat+date[8]+date[9] ;
    d=stoi(dat) ;
    year=year+date[0]+date[1]+date[2]+date[3] ;
    y=stoi(year) ;
	if(m%2==0 && m!=2)
			ans=((30-d)/2)+16 ;
			ans=((31-d)/2)+16 ;
	else if (m==2)
		if (y%4==0 && y!=1900)
				ans=(30-d)/2 ;
				ans=((29-d)/2)+1 ;
				ans=(28-d)/2+16 ;
				ans=((29-d)/2)+16 ;
			ans=(32-d)/2 ;
			ans=((31-d)/2)+1 ;
	cout << ans << endl ;
return 0 ;


Asked by: Anonymous on March 29, 2020, 2:03 p.m. Last updated on March 29, 2020, 2:03 p.m.

if y is divisible by 400 , then it is a leap year or if y is div by 4 and not divisible by 100, then it is a leap year

also both july and august have 31 days

ishikachowdhury1998 last updated on March 31, 2020, 1:10 a.m.

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1 Answer(s)


You have considered Aug,Oct,Dec as 30 days month. But actually they are of 31 days.

So if you change (m%2==0 && m!=2) to (m==4 || m==6 || m=9 || m==11) it should work.

anujpatel181299 last updated on March 31, 2020, 1:23 a.m. 0    Reply    Upvote   

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